What is my calling? This question is so important because how you answer it will determine the direction of your life. Which is also what makes it so overwhelming. That’s why, during this series, we are diving in to discover how to find and fulfill our calling so that we can live free from anxiety about the future and be confident that God will use us for good.
MAIN IDEA: You have been called by God to play a part in His good plans to change the world.
ANCHOR TEXT: Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Ephesians 4:1 NLT
Hope you can join us tonight at External link opens in new tab or windowFirst Baptist Church of Anacoco, La for some good food, fun, fellowship and Bible Study.
And remember at Elevate, We are not perfect, We are just forgiven.

We are so excited about Fields of Faith by The Followship of Christian Athletes coming to

Leesville High School football field March 27th...Details below!

Why Fields of Faith?


It’s time to spark a spiritual movement for God. Christianity needs a change in momentum - students who will stand together against

the pressures and temptations in our world and be a generation that is committed to reading the Bible and applying it to their lives.



Spread the word and come join us for an awesome night of Worship!

What’s up External link opens in new tab or windowElevate Student Ministry Family!

It’s that time again!!!

Time to get geared up for YM360 Generate Student Camp.

Our first deposit is due January 24th, first deposit will be $50...

We will be going to Louisiana Tech for camp this year. We will be participating in the SERVE option for camp.

We will be working alongside and ministering to a community partner for the week.

Camp dates: July 15-19th

Hope you can join us, we have 60 spots available for students and adult leaders, so act fast on getting signed up!

We will have the registration forms at External link opens in new tab or windowFirst Baptist Church of Anacoco, La

Hope you can join us for this life changing camp, something that students and adult leaders never regret!!